Acidity is related to stomach content and lower esophagus. The tube from the throat to stomach is affected. People suffering from acid reflux also complain of pains in body parts, chest pain, dry cough, sore throat, numbness, vomiting and allergies. The most common complication of acidity is damage to the esophagus which results in chronic bleeding from esophageal ulcers that causes persistent tiredness, weakness and anemia in people. The release of hydrochloric acid is intended for digestion and it should travel downwards but sometime the problem of excess acidity disrupts the downstream flow and the muscular valve which closes the esophagus fails to keep the acid in stomach, this can cause GERD. Sometimes, the body increases the release of acid as a danger (due to stress) and the autonomic nerves responds to make excess mucus to close the valve. The response of body to create mucus in body can cause sinus or headache. This problem of acidity can be prevented by taking herbal digestive aid supplements.
The response of stomach to acidity can produce reactions as the blood vessels leak or muscles contract, to neutralize the stomach content. The metabolic energy of the body and the immune system suffers from serious consequences. The problem of acidity (pH below 2 on scale) and acid made during night time can have profound symptoms in the morning. The problem of hyperacidity and GERD can cause swelling of throat or excess swab production in the ear canal. The necessity to clear ears increases as the canals are already suffering from hypersensitivity. So how to get rid of excessive acidity without harming all the related body functions?
The phyto chemicals of Ptychotis Ajowan show the presence of glycosides, tannins, saponins, flavonoids and herbal digestive aid supplements contains it as it has inhibitor effects on histamine receptors. It is anti spasmodic and anti hypertensive. It is anti inflammatory and contains minerals such as iron, phosphorous, calcium etc. The phenols and thymol compounds work as antiseptic and expectorant. To find out how to get rid of excessive acidity, one can boil a spoonful of herb with a pinch of salt and drink it to see the effects.
Ferula foetida, or oleoresin, has bitter and pungent odor and it is used for treating internal spasms. Study show it can confer protection to lungs. The intake of herb increases the breakdown speed of fats, proteins and starches to reduce its absorption. Daily oral ingestion reduces the problem of gastric and flatulence. Clinical tests show its compounds reduce spontaneous contractions (induced by histamines, potassium chlorides and acetylcholine) in animals. It reduces gastric irritation and even cures spasmodic nervous disorders. It is effective case if nervous depression causes gastric derangements or constipation. It even cures headache and convulsive disorders if taken regularly for few weeks. Caroxylones Boetidum is another herb found in the herbal digestive aid supplements which can cure digestive disorders and the condition of migraines. To know how to get rid of excessive acidity and related symptoms, a proper combination of herbal antacids can be taken.